Monday, February 21, 2011


Already did this....

Wish i was doing this....

Instead I'm doing this....

With these....

But only after a dance party to this...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Midnight Dinner

I want to be this color all over, skin darkened and hair goldened by the sun until everything is tawny.

Instead, it's cherry tomatoes for a late dinner and an essay on the psychological horror that Hawthorne manages to elicit. Self-destructive tendencies and spiritual doubt are altogether too much for this hour, but I can already feel the restless warm blue outside pushing cold thoughts off and away and over with. Bare feet on a windowsill now.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

But I just want a little bit of butter for my bread

This is how every morning should begin.

The King's Breakfast
The King asked
The Queen, and
The Queen asked
The Dairymaid:
"Could we have some butter for
The Royal slice of bread?"
The Queen asked the Dairymaid,
The Dairymaid
Said, "Certainly,
I'll go and tell the cow
Before she goes to bed."

The Dairymaid
She curtsied,
And went and told
The Alderney:
"Don't forget the butter for
The Royal slice of bread."
The Alderney
Said sleepily:
"You'd better tell
His Majesty
That many people nowadays
Like marmalade

The Dairymaid
Said, "Fancy!"
And went to
Her Majesty.
She curtsied to the Queen, and
She turned a little red:
"Excuse me,
Your Majesty,
For taking of
The liberty,
But marmalade is tasty, if
It's very

The Queen said
And went to
His Majesty:
"Talking of the butter for
The royal slice of bread,
Many people
Think that
Is nicer.
Would you like to try a little

The King said,
And then he said,
"Oh, deary me!"
The King sobbed, "Oh, deary me!"
And went back to bed.
He whimpered,
"Could call me
A fussy man;
I only want
A little bit
Of butter for
My bread!"

The Queen said,
"There, there!"
And went to
The Dairymaid.
The Dairymaid
Said, "There, there!"
And went to the shed.
The cow said,
"There, there!
I didn't really
Mean it;
Here's milk for his porringer,
And butter for his bread."

The Queen took
The butter
And brought it to
His Majesty;
The King said,
"Butter, eh?"
And bounced out of bed.
"Nobody," he said,
As he kissed her
"Nobody," he said,
As he slid down the banisters,
My darling,
Could call me
A fussy man -
I do like a little bit of butter to my bread!"

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Seventy Degree Sun

So it's time for some of this

and a little of this

Smoked turkey and cheese on a hot roll with bell pepper, button shrooms, pickles, and lettuce, and a cool glass of water on an ancient sunny porch. Sun on our hair, sun in our belly. And soon we will be as gold as lions.